There are more than 774 kind of microbes that live in your mouth, the only place that has more is your gut! The mouth has unique habitats for different kinds of bacteria, like teeth, tongue, gingival sulcus, palate, saliva, inner cheek, and throat Oral bacteria is the primary source of bacteria that live in other […]
The traditional recommendation for daily Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) intake was based on prevention of scurvy (the most common nutritional deficiency disease), but this recommendation for minimum daily vitamin C intake might be too low to prevent infections and chronic diseases such as gum disease. To prevent scurvy, only 10mg/day of Vitamin C is needed, […]
Variations in the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone cause significant physiologic changes in women at specific life phases. These hormone changes can affect gum and bone tissues in the mouth, as there are receptors for estrogen and progesterone in the tissues that support the teeth. These hormones can affect cell growth and repair in […]
Of course keeping your gums health is is all about maintenance, maintenance, maintenance! Gum disease is more common in back teeth that are difficult to clean, especially in the space between the teeth where they contact each other. Aside from toothbrushing, other oral hygiene aids have been studied to see if they can help maintain […]
Patients with diabetes have an increased frequency of oral candida and risk for candida (yeast) infection of the mouth. This is related to altered metabolic control, neutrophil (white blood cell) dysfunction, reduced saliva flow and high blood glucose in the blood and saliva. The higher glucose levels in the saliva of diabetic patient may be […]
Gum disease is caused by the presence of a mixed species biofilms containing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This complex micobiome contains more than 600 bacterial species and 100 fungal species. Candida is a fungus that is most often found in periodontal (gum) disease and may be a contributing factor to disease progression. Candidiasis is […]
As a result of stimulation by bacteria, white blood cess produce free radicals as part of the response to infection. When you have gum disease, there is an increase in free radical release that causes oxidant damage to the gingival tissues, ligament and bone around the teeth. Your body’s antioxidant defence system can limit the […]
Oil pulling is a traditional remedy originating in ancient India. The toxicity, adverse effects, and drug resistance associated with many modern pharmaceuticals has prompted the investigation of traditional remedies like oil pulling. Oil is available in the households and can be purchased at modest cost. In oil pulling, you swish a tablespoon of oil in […]
Curcumin has been used extensively in ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It is nontoxic and has a variety of therapeutic properties including antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic. It inhibits the growth of a variety of bacteria, parasites, and pathogenic fungi. Turmeric mouthwash prepared by dissolving 10 mg of curcumin extract in 100 ml of distilled water […]
“Antibiotics are commonly prescribed for aggressive periodontitis some cases of severe chronic periodontitis as an adjunct to periodontal debridement. However, the emergence of bacterial resistance is increasingly limiting their effectiveness and has directed researchers to test the antimicrobial efficacy of several natural products, such as essential oils and bee products. Numerous studies have shown that […]