Modern food is living-dead Zombie food. The food you buy from the store can be considered Zombie food because in order to prepare it for storage and shipping, it is treated with heat and/or frozen and it is stored for years in cans and bottles so it loses its nutritional quality. Without proper nutrients, including […]
You have gum disease? And you like to drink alcohol? Unfortunately, regular intake of alcohol can affect the absorption and activation of many vitamins, such as vitamin B and vitamin A and folate. If you drink a lot of alcohol, then your liver’s ability to store Vitamin B is decreased. Also, excessive alcohol intake […]
The recommended daily allowance for vitamins and minerals were developed to prevent serious diseases and they’re actually quite low. If you’re fighting an infection like gum disease and you don’t have an ideal diet you may need to go above the guidelines in terms of dosages of vitamins and mineral. You may also have trouble […]
70% of Americans are not getting the 5 to 9 servings of fruits and veggies a day and the fruits and veggies they do get are our often commercially grown for profit with reduced amounts of vitamins and nutrients. It’s even worse if you smoke cigarettes and you have gum disease, because smoking will deplete […]
Some of the problems with modern food and how it affects your gums: Modern food is artificially separated. The food is fractionated, and that means it is split apart! Some of it, and it could be even the best part, goes to feed livestock, and the leftovers are combined together in an industrial process to […]
Gum disease and stress are usually related and we live in a very stressful, unnatural world Vitamin C is useful in the stressful conditions of modern life. The causes of stress could be psychological, but they could also be caused by environmental factors, like noise and physical or chemical factors, processed foods, and poisons (toxins) […]
Vitamin E is the body’s main soluble anti-oxidant. In gum disease conditions, reactive oxygen species are produced to fight infection. The excess reactive oxygen has to be neutralized by your body to prevent damage to your own tissue. Vitamin E acts as a protective role against gum disease by neutralizing reactive oxygen. A study by […]
A recent study by Jung-hoo Lee showed that inadequate intake of Vitamin B3 raised the odds of gum disease by 1.25 times . The association of vitamin B3 with periodontitis (gum disease) was stronger in females and participants aged 40-59 years. Niacin is needed by your cells to convert glucose into the usable energy molecule […]
Cut down on sugar to heal your gums. The biggest problem with the “modern diet” and its junk foods is that it can cause a condition called sugar metabolic syndrome. This diet aggravates gum disease and other chronic disease because of the artificially added SUGAR!!! Sucrose is the most common type of sugar that’s consumed […]
Gum disease causes excessive production of reactive oxidative species like superoxide, and hydrogen peroxide. These reactive molecules can circulate in the bloodstream and affect the liver and other organs. Treatment of periodontal (gum) disease can reduce circulation reactive oxygen species in the blood. A whole body approach to dealing with reactive oxygen species with […]