Author Archives: bassel

How to manage bad breath that won’t go away.

a) Use a tongue scraper to reduce malodorous coating on the tongue and floss or [...]

Morning breath? The types of bad breath explained

The gases that come out of the mouth that cause bad breath are volatile sulfur [...]

Sinus infection and tonsil stones can cause bad breath.

Bad breath can originate from causes outside the mouth: a) Bad breath from the nose [...]

The causes of bad breath explained

Bad breath also known as halitosis is a serious concern that can lead to social [...]

Bad breath can be an indicator of active gum disease

Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSC) like hydrogen sulphide are produced by gum disease causing bacteria and [...]

Resistant to antibiotics….but not natural herbs!

Most gum disease causing bacteria are resistant to antibiotics but not to the antibacterial effect [...]

Latest research on Oxidative Stress and gum disease

Is oxygen good or bad? . Of course, you need oxygen to breathe, but oxygen [...]

Vitamin A and gum disease.

45% of the U.S. population had inadequate vitamin A according to the National Health and [...]

Vitamin D deficiency and gum disease.

Most people generally do not get enough sun exposure to produce adequate levels of vitamin [...]

Are you vitamin deficient?

45% of the U.S. population had inadequate vitamin A, 46% has inadequate vitamin C, 95% [...]