Say Goodbye To Bleeding Gums And Receding Gums & Bad Breath For Less Than $1 Per Day. Formulated By A Top Gum Disease Specialist. No Prescription Required.

Backed By Over 119 Health Studies, This Groundbreaking Blend of 4 Ancient Healing Ingredients Supercharges Your Saliva To Fight Gum Disease.


Just $69.99


DENTAFORTE™’s Powerhouse Of Natural Ingredients Can Help You Reduce These Painful and Embarrassing Symptoms Of Gum Disease:

Everyone's experience with Dentaforte is different. Your results may vary from the pictures above and statements expressed on this page.

With Just This ONE All-Natural, Drug-Free Lozenge, You Can:

Reduce the inflammation in your gums (aka decrease painful redness and bleeding and swelling)

Reduce the excessive oxidation in your mouth (aka strengthen irritated and receding gum tissue)​

Restore the bacterial balance in your mouth (aka better breath)

“ My dentist told me my gums had deteriorated since my previous checkup…I had a lot of gum recession near my front lower teeth and I was really worried.  I am using DENTAFORTE™ and my dentist is impressed now with the health of my gums….Big improvement, to the point where I may no longer need scary and expensive gum surgery. After just two weeks of DENTAFORTE™, all the red and swollen and bleeding gums just went away. It’s been great for me and saved me a lot of money in the long run so I’m glad to share my story.  It’s the best thing you can do for your gums.”

Jordon Moore
Ripley, WV

The Breakthrough Lozenge That Turns Your Saliva Into a Gum-Soothing Elixir Without Drugs

DENTAFORTE™’s all-natural lozenge is revolutionizing gum care by activating your saliva’s natural healing powers to fight gum disease right at the source.

Blocks Harmful Bacteria

Special compounds balance your oral microbiome to crowd out bad bacteria that cause gum problems.

Soothes Red and Inflamed Gums

Anti-inflammatory herbs calm swollen, irritated gums to ease discomfort.

Rebuilds Shrinking Gums

Antioxidants strengthen gum tissue to help shrinking gums regain their former healthy size and pink color.

Supports Immune Defense

Natural agents optimize your body’s defenses against bacterial invaders.

Over time, your gums grow stronger. Swelling and tenderness dissipate. Gum bleeding stops. Healthy pinkness returns. And you can smile confidently again!

(And your bad breath will go away too.)

DENTAFORTE™ doesn’t just mask symptoms temporarily like other dental products. Rather, it gets to the root cause of gum problems by leveraging your body’s own protective saliva—ALL WITHOUT DRUGS or EXPENSIVE DENTAL TREATMENTS!

Packed With 4 Powerful Ancient Healing Ingredients (Backed By Modern Science AND Centuries Of Tradition)

The makers of DENTAFORTE™ tapped into both ancient herbal medicine and the latest clinical research to create the most comprehensive all-natural gum defense formula ever.

It combines 4 powerful plant-based ingredients that each provide their own unique protective benefits for the health of your smile:


This famous Ayurvedic triple-fruit blend rebalances mouth bacteria, fights gum infection, and floods gums with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals.


The active compound in turmeric has been shown in studies to calm inflammation, enhance microbial balance, and shore up antioxidant status—perfect for irritated, shrinking gums.


Derived from pineapples, bromelain supplements the body’s natural inflammation response to ease swelling and discomfort while assisting tissue repair.


Loaded with antioxidant enzymes and compounds, honey stimulates immune defenses and creates oral microbial balance to fend off gum disease naturally.

Together in a single lozenge, these 4 ingredients work together to ATTACK gum disease from every angle—with MORE firepower than brushing and flossing alone.

“I have had gum problems for as long as I can remember. I tried a lot of mouthwashes but nothing really helped. My mouth was always inflamed and my dentist recommended DENTAFORTE™. I started using it and I noticed a big improvement! It’s like my mouth got 20 years younger. No more bleeding and swollen gums. I definitely recommend DENTAFORTE™ to anyone with gum disease.”

Shakira Jessup
Burbank, CA


DENTAFORTE™ Doesn’t Just Fight Gum Disease—It Also Eliminates Bad Breath!

31.8% of people worldwide have bad breath. And for 90% of these people, an imbalance in bacteria is to blame. Are you one of them?

If so, you’re likely no stranger to all the pain it can cause in your day-to-day life.

Bad breath has significant consequences, including:

According to a recent consumer survey, 32% of Americans cite bad breath as the least attractive personal trait.

But you don’t have to let that stop you from living a fulfilling life!

DENTAFORTE™ attacks bad breath by restoring the bacterial balance in your mouth.

So instead of masking bad breath with a “peppermint” fragrance, it works ALL DAY to destroy the bacteria at the root of the issue.

With your bad breath GONE FOR GOOD, you can finally feel more confident again in your everyday life!

(If you have a family member who has bad breath, they might not be aware of it! You can help them improve the quality of their life too by ordering DENTAFORTE™ for them. They will thank you for it!)


The Dangers of Relying On Your Dentist Alone To Fight Gum Disease (And How DENTAFORTE™ Changes The Game When It Comes To Overcoming Gum Disease)

DENTAFORTE™’s powerful compounds provide relief from poor gum health without the downsides of risky medications, painful procedures, or time-consuming at-home remedies.

While dentists certainly have an important role to play in managing progressive gum disease, their arsenal is limited for anyone wanting to AVOID:

And… diligent oral hygiene habits like brushing, flossing, and mouthwash can only go so far once the problem actually begins.

BUT… DENTAFORTE™ supercharges your body’s built-in protective saliva and turns it into a personalized treatment that reaches areas no toothbrush can access…

… To help gums naturally rebuild and revitalize themselves, making it possible to avoid invasive, expensive dental treatments down the road

Why I HAD to Create an All-Natural Solution for My Patients Battling Gum Disease!

After over 20 years of practicing dentistry and periodontics, I kept encountering the same story from patients struggling with gum inflammation, receding gum tissue, bleeding gums, and chronic bad breath...

“Dr. Gebrael, I’m doing everything right—brushing, flossing, getting cleanings—Yet it feels like no matter what I try, my gums continue to get worse.”

My heart sank every time I had to tell them modern medicine had no further solutions.

These folks faced losing their teeth—and their confidence—with no way to stop or reverse the steady gum deterioration.

I couldn’t accept that prognosis.

So I was determined to find an all-natural supplemental regimen that could provide extra defensive support when diligent oral hygiene still fails to halt gum disease.

I dove into the latest modern scientific literature…

And poured through study after study on medicinal plants as old as the planet itself, used traditionally to heal inflamed, shrinking gums and balance oral bacteria…

Slowly, patterns emerged around the most potent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant ingredients found in none other than Mother Nature herself.

It took years of formulation, testing combining extracts like Triphala and curcumin to perfect dosing and delivery…

And finally, I created DENTAFORTE™—a breakthrough, all-natural lozenge that leverages your saliva’s natural therapeutic powers to flood your gum pockets and crevices with gum-revitalizing phytonutrients.

Today, I couldn’t be more thrilled watching DENTAFORTE™ users transform their oral health.

No longer do they suffer with sore, bleeding gums…

No longer are they embarrassed by persistent bad breath…

Their confidence is now back, and you can see it in their pink, healthy smiles!

It’s now my mission to help save every sufferer of gum disease—without risky chemicals or invasive, expensive procedures—thanks to nature’s healing wisdom.

I hope you’ll give your gums and smile the second chance they deserve by trying DENTAFORTE™ for under $1 per day today.

—Dr. Gebrael 


Here's What DENTAFORTE™ Customers Had To Say

Watch The Endorsement Below From Dr. Fataneh Rahimi

Save THOUSANDS over Choosing Traditional Gum Disease Treatment Options AND… SAVE Your Gums For UNDER $1 A Day

Nearly HALF of Americans (46%) aged 30 or older show signs of gum disease. Unfortunately, gum disease can be incredibly EXPENSIVE to treat:

Not to mention the physical pain, mental anguish, embarrassment, and threat to your overall wellness that comes with receding, inflamed gums!

But for less than $1 a day, DENTAFORTE™ can flood your mouth with antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory botanicals your gums desperately need to heal and rejuvenate themselves.

No expensive or painful surgery required.

Meaning you’ll save THOUSANDS over choosing traditional treatment options!!

Healthy gums and a confident smile are priceless. And considering DENTAFORTE™ leverages the natural therapeutic powers of your saliva to fight gum disease for 8+ hours each dose…

That’s an incredible value no other gum disease treatment can match.



Try DENTAFORTE™ today for JUST $129.00 $69.00!

1 Bottle of DENTAFORTE™—60-Day Supply



“I have been using DENTAFORTE™ for the past 3 years.  Gum disease runs in family and I’m absolutely terrified of having gum recession or needing gum surgery because I hate needles. I like DENTAFORTE™ because it is made with plant extracts not chemicals and it tastes good, it’s almost like candy, so easy to use, it’s a very practical way to keep my mouth clean and healthy.  My gums feel stronger and they don’t bleed anymore thanks DENTAFORTE™”

Bill Valdes-Calderon
Louisville, KY

Answers To All Your Questions So You Feel Safe Trying DENTAFORTE™

Absolutely! DENTAFORTE™ is a drug-free, 100% natural lozenge that leverages therapeutic compounds used traditionally for centuries to heal and strengthen gum tissue, balance oral bacteria, calm inflammation, and reinforce antioxidant status. 

It works by activating your saliva’s natural protective powers—turning it into a gum-revitalizing solution that reaches deep into crevices regular brushing can’t access. 

DENTAFORTE™ provides natural gum defense and oral hygiene support without any risky chemicals or synthetic additives—just the safe, effective compounds found in nature.

Yes! While DENTAFORTE™ is designed to help reduce gum inflammation, swelling, tenderness, and bleeding—while fighting bacteria overgrowth and preventing further gum recession—its potent blend of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant compounds can also reinforce the natural defenses of those with healthy gums as preventative protection. 

The compounds in DENTAFORTE™ support oral microbial balance, calm immune response, and reinforce gum tissue resilience on a cellular level… 

… So it can support vulnerable areas in even the healthiest mouths to ensure gums, teeth, and mouth tissues remain at peak strength and vitality. 

Taking DENTAFORTE™ proactively floods your entire mouth with gum-shielding nutrients that serve as an all-natural backup to your usual brushing and dental care —meaning inflammation-free and infection resistant!

Every mouth’s gum health challenge is unique, so an exact timeline cannot be guaranteed.

However, the ancient medicinal plants in DENTAFORTE™ like Triphala and curcumin have been clinically shown to fight bacteria, inflammation, and oxidative damage very quickly.

Many users report decreased gum sensitivity, puffiness, and tenderness, as well as their gum pain, bleeding, and bad breath diminishing—in just the first few weeks. 

After one month of use:

  • 92% of users experience a reduction in bad breath
  • 84% experience a reduction in bleeding gums
  • 95% experience a reduction in gum swelling

A single bottle will last you 60 days, but we suggest ordering 3 bottles for even bigger savings! This will allow the gum-revitalizing ingredients to work synergistically toward rebuilding resilient gum pocket tissue from within for months on end.

With decades of research on the gum-healing properties of medicinal components like Triphala, curcumin, and freeze-dried honey, we’re confident in DENTAFORTE™’s ability to help improve gum inflammation, recession, and bacterial imbalance.

The active ingredients in DENTAFORTE™ are natural botanical extracts—no synthetic compounds or risky chemicals. It is free of dairy, soy, and gluten.A pharmaceutical-grade filler helps the lozenge dissolve slowly and evenly for maximum effect. Apart from that? Just the purest form of traditional medicinal extracts to support gum defense.

We have every batch third-party tested for composition, purity, and potency. 


DENTAFORTE™ is manufactured in Canada in a GMP-accredited facility that is FDA registered and follows stringent quality control standards 

As dentists and oral health specialists ourselves, our team formulated DENTAFORTE™ to provide the gentle yet effective oral care support we would confidently recommend to our own families and patients.


This website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by a healthcare professional.

These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Have Questions? Email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-800-940-7924